The Petite Park With Kayla

9 years ago

Brought Kayla out to The Petite Park at City Square Mall over Christmas with D and his parents :) Thought it'll be a really fun experience for her since she seemed to enjoy Pororo Park the last time!

For parents who are interested in bringing your kids there too; Petite Park is an indoor playground designed for children under 7. So everything is "milder" as compared to other full on indoor playgrounds catered for older kids. This is also one of the reasons why I chose to bring Kayla there haha, and I'm pretty glad I did! 

Here's some pictures of Kayla at the bouncing castle with D's parents ♥︎

And she got to meet other babies too! 

Riding the merry go round with her hehehe

Soooo many toys!

The older kids really loved this mini roller-coaster thing ha

Rolling about in the ball pit with papa!

And Kayla was most in love with this xylophone.. we ended up buying her a skiphop one from one of the baby stores afterwards loll

We all had a lovely time even though we didn't stay for the full 2hrs because Kayla seemed like she was hungry. Think she had fun because she didn't cry at all haha ♥︎ And to our surprise, she seems to enjoy watching the older kids run around! 

Here's some information on the prices :)

If you are heading there.. REMEMBER TO BRING SOCKS! We didn't know it's a socks only policy and ended up having to buy some there heh. 


  1. It looks like a dream land for babies...


  2. Wow what a play station for babies...Impressed.


  3. FUN What a grest record for your baby girl.


  4. Like your first picture...As if it is like in a dream


  5. "Kayla was most in love with this xylophone.. "
    It means she is sensitive with musical note..let her listen to musical pieces daily even for a short period of time...from CD, DVD...subconciously she is absorbing ( Good, classical, light ) MUSIC into her life... good for her brain development too...even though weas an adult do not SEE it in the obvious sight/ reasoning!!

    She is a treasure!!!


  6. "she seems to enjoy watching the older kids run around!"
    Your Kayla is a highly intelligent girl...., she is learning
    Baby learn by imitation...even without older children around her, PLAY with her, coach her by doing things in front of her that she can follow is the key for her to grasp the next breakthrough of her growth. This is including lead by exaple by helping her to speak/express the way she should in social communication.
    This is the best way to start her right from this early age of her learning process...


  7. Fantastic experience for your baby and your family members!!

    Have a greater wonderful new year 2016.


  8. It is such a great JOY to see our babies so delighted in the new discoveries surrounding them...
    and it is also so happy when seeing them happily enjoying their playing time...



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