Hongkong Disneyland with Toddlers

6 years ago
Literally just got back from our first trip with both kids!
Celebrated our birthdays (my younger daughter's birthday is one day after mine) at Hongkong Disneyland together and it's most definitely a memorable experience hehe

Gonna be sharing some tips and information for parents who are considering visiting Disneyland with toddlers too :)

1. Don't expect to take a lot of photos
Maybe this doesn't apply to everyone since everybody's child have different temperaments. But.. if you have kids who are crazy like mine, then yes please don't have high expectations for perfect photos hahaha 

These are the best shots I have with both kids lol.. and then soon after they were taking turns to nap so I could only take a few pictures here and there with either one of them.

To be honest, I really wanted everyone to enjoy this trip and not have to stress about trying to get great shots.. so the moment they didn't feel like taking pictures we would just stop heh

2. Rent a Stroller
We only brought one stroller along for the trip because we didn't want to carry too many things. So it's great that we could rent another one so both kids can sit hehe. When they are not sitting we can dump all our bags inside as well :)

It's only less than $200HKD , available near the entrance 

3. Catch the Parade
Honestly, there aren't many rides suitable for 2-3year olds and long queues with toddlers are a nightmare too. So catching the parade is like a great add-on to the whole Disney experience! No need to queue and the kids LOVED it hehe

4. Dress them up in costumes
So glad I planned their outfits in advance because once you reach there.. almost every other child is in a princess dress or character costume lol. I just feel that dressing them up makes the experience a lot more fun especially when they meet their favourite characters!

Kayla went absolutely cray cray when she saw Minnie Mouse and kept screaming "Hello Minnie Mouse!! I'm wearing the same dress as you!!!" hahaha

5. Be prepared for long queues
One thing I regretted not doing was researching which rides are suitable and the different waiting times beforehand. In the end we only managed to get on 2 rides

We did, however, visit this really pretty princess garden! Worth a walk if you are visiting :)

Another shot at the princess garden hehe

We had a wonderful time at Disneyland Hongkong! Hoping to be able to visit more Disney Parks with the kids when they are older :)

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