My Kayla Has Cancer

6 years ago
Us two days ago (4th June) resuming chemotherapy treatment at a new hospital!
The first time I'm back in the hospital with her (10days postpartum) since I gave birth

We first discovered Kayla's condition on 30th Jan 2019 while my husband and I were on holiday in Paris. 

Kayla was diagnosed with Wilm's Tumour, children's cancer

"Still remember it was 30th Jan.. late at night.. our world literally crumbled after getting off a videocall with the doctor 😓 After that we practically stayed in the hotel room for the next two days cos rly no mood to go sightseeing and stuff 😔 After that it was a series of tests and waiting in anxiety.. and each time they spoke to us only a little bit more of information was available cos no one dared to guarantee or confirm anything since there’s always this slight chance it might be something else 😔 

Since the day we arrived back in SG till now we’ve already been hospitalised 3 times , gone through one surgery , different scans and started on chemotherapy yesterday 🙈" 
- From my dayre post on 16th Feb 2019

My cheerful Kayla on the day we started chemotherapy!

"She has been so so super brave throughout the whole process, even we didn’t expect her to hold up this well 🙌🏻 So far she only cried during our last hospital stay when they had to insert the tubes into her body and when she had to do filling for her teeth before chemo 😌"

"This was taken during her first time on drip! And she was actually very excited hahaha.. cos when I was hospitalised during my first trimester she saw me having this and how I felt so much better after having it

We were all so surprised when she stayed very still while they inserted the needle lolol 😂 "

After the initial treatments, she ended up reacting really badly to the chemotherapy medicine and kept having high fever so we ended up staying in the hospital for many days after each treatment from then on all the way till a few weeks before I gave birth. 

"The hardest part for me to take was when she kept screaming “it’s scary it’s scary” while we all pinned her down so the nurse could attach this tubing 😭💔 

After the whole ordeal she fell asleep and when she woke she told me “mama.. I was a little bit brave just now” 😭😭😭 my dear you have been so much braver than I could have ever been 😔"

Hospital days made better with papa bringing lots of toys for her including this massive ice cream truck set!

Made it through her first surgery, she only has one kidney left now

"Today was a big day for us.. Kayla had to undergo a major surgery to remove the tumour and also one kidney 😕 My heart broke into a million pieces when I first saw her out of the operating theatre after a 5hr op - she was half naked covered in needles and tubes, and screaming so badly in fear she ended up pulling one of the tubes out
Good news is the surgery went well ❤️ She’s sleeping soundly in the room already ✨ Now just praying for the strength to get through this recovery period with her"

Looking back, I don't know how we survived the last 5-6months. 

All the complications, her shrinking a lot (loss of appetite), the constant needles and medicines, the daily nightmares, and her losing her hair - it's been a really isolating and challenging time for all of us. But Kayla has been brave through it all, and she even has the capacity to worry about whether I'm tired and if I'll be okay during my C-sect surgery! 

So thankful that things are more manageable now and we just have 4 more months of chemotherapy to go! Looking forward to the day she can go out and play with other children like a normal kid again  

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