My New Chanel Espadrilles

9 years ago

I rarely ever do posts on new purchases but I just had to dedicate one post to my new shoes because I seriously love em!! Hahaha ♥︎ To be honest, I've been coveting these shoes for a year! This is my most expensive shoe purchase ever, and after considering for a really long time I went to a Chanel store only to find out they are perpetually sold out everywhere. After some time of looking around and stuff, I pretty gave up on ever getting them. But a few weeks ago, a friend wanted to buy a bag so I accompanied her to the store at Takashimaya, and peeking out of the side cupboard were a pair of these, BUT NO SIZE. So my friend casually asked if there were any available ones at the MBS store, and to our surprise there was ONE PAIR LEFT (and they can only hold it for an hour!). So we immediately raced down to the MBS store and TA-DAHHHH my new shoes yay! 



  1. I never wear flats. My shoes are so high that sometimes when I step out of them, people look around in confusion and ask, "Where'd she go?" and I have to say, "I'm down here." Lol.. Congrats of your Flat CHANEL ESPADRILLES!


  2. Women need food, water, and compliments
    That's right.
    And an occasional pair of shoes.
    Congrats for geeting your dream shoes.


  3. .. its not so much about the shoes, but the person wearing them.
    Your shoes shall be grateful to be weared by you...


  4. About shoes, I think you will appreciate this:
    If somebody steps on your shoes and ruins them, don't freak out.. get a new pair of shoes. If you miss something, don't freak out.. there's nothing you can do to change it.. just move on. Congrats for having a new pair of chanel shoes


  5. Perfect on you..beautiful!



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