Thaddeus's Birth Story

6 years ago
Meet my third baby!

Thaddeus Jude Sim
Born on 25th May 2019
Birth Weight: 2.7kg

This little boy was born via C-section hehe

(Just gonna re-share what I posted earlier on Dayre in regards to my first C-sect experience!)

The whole process was not as “easy” as I expected it to be and recovery is a lot more painful than I imagined 😅 So during the last few weeks of my pregnancy, I actually told my gynae if I go into labour anytime before the planned c-sect date I’ll just go for natural birth instead 🙈 In the end baby didn’t want to come earlier 😂 and since chemotherapy is resuming next week it’s really just better for everyone if I gave birth by 25th!  Honestly, everything happened REALLY quickly! And my only regret is opting for epidural instead of GA 😅 

After they wheeled me into the operating theatre, my doctor just kept chatting to me (helps a lot!) while they administered all the jabs.. next thing I knew my husband was called in and before we could say much to each other I heard a nurse say she’s gonna help me push... And this was the horrible part - baby came out a few seconds later but I felt like someone just punched me really really hard in the tummy BUT there was no pain. Just a very weird feeling! It was so uncomfortable I wanted to move my body soo bad! I think I tried to struggle while they were sewing me up so in the end they had to put me to sleep 😅 So moral of the story is.. I should have just gone for general anaesthesia right from the beginning 🙈

If you’re considering a C-sect... here are some of the differences between C-sect and natural (my first two were natural!) based on my own experiences! 

Natural takes really long.. usually few hours! And if you’re not using epidural you most likely have to endure contraction pain for many hours 🙈 For my first pregnancy the epidural didn’t work properly so I went through the full contraction pains 😅 Really very pain but thankfully it’s a one off thing! 

C Sect is really fast! The whole process takes like 15-30mins!

As scary as it sounds to snip or tear down there.. it’s really not as painful as a C-sect wound! (Comparing after taking painkillers) For my first two pregnancies, I could do things like clean the baby, change diapers, feed baby etc the day I’m discharged! 

For my C-sect, it was so painful to even get out of bed I needed someone around to pull me up for the first few days 🙈 And the place where it hurts makes it so tough to do almost anything.. so thankful I have a CL this time! 

Weight Loss:
Both my natural births, I lost like half my pregnancy weight within the first week! 

For my C sect, it’s been a week and I literally only lost the weight of my baby which is 2.7kg 😅 Even my eldest daughter thinks I’m still pregnant 😂😂😂 

I still remember reading a blog saying how getting a C-sect is like getting a free tummy tuck - THAT’S A LIE! 😭 After this whole experience, I feel that one shouldn’t go for a C-sect if you don’t have to! 🙈 You’ll have to suffer constant pain for a longer period of time, it’s way more expensive and the pregnancy weight is harder to lose - so not worth it 😪

Baby and I at the hospital!

Didn't manage to take any proper family picture this time because the kids could only come visit on the first day for a short time and I was still in a lot of pain then. 

We've been home for about 10days on this day of writing and we've been having a great time bonding together as a family of 5!

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