First Christmas With Kayla

9 years ago

This Christmas feels so much more special than before because it's spent with my little Kayla ♥︎ To be honest it didn't feel as "Christmas-sy" as previous years because the last few days passed in a flash, and also because I wasn't quite ready for Christmas as well. In the past, I had time to plan dates with friends to Christmas shop or plan for parties and gatherings, but this year my Christmas shopping was done in a few hours and I was just rushing everywhere. 

I guess my main priority this year was mainly for Kayla to have a good memory of her first Christmas (via photos hahaha), and also for Daniel to enjoy his birthday (it's on Christmas eve :D). By some miracle, we managed to arrange for enough staff to work on the 23rd, 24th and 25th so we only needed to make deliveries and drop by at the end of the night to do closing hehe. 

(Last year while pregnant with Kayla!)

( This year ♥︎ )


Am really thankful because we enjoyed 2 days of gatherings with friends and family, and then we brought Kayla to an indoor playground on Christmas day with Daniel's parents; and this all happened with barely any planning! :) Kayla also received a bunch of presents and was really happy to unwrap them hahaha, I honestly didn't think she would know how to unwrap presents at this age! This Christmas is also the first time she sat with us and ate at a restaurant. Pretty fun picking out some foods for her and watching her expression change (found out she really hates plain porridge!).

Anyway, I've come to realise Christmas is really a lot more fun when there are kids around haha. Seeing Kayla's face light up when she held her present made me want to buy the whole Toys'r'us down just so I can see that expression again. And I'm just feeling so so grateful that we didn't have to work on Christmas Eve, would've totally regretted it if I missed spending Christmas with Kayla! Kinda cliche but the best gift one can give or have is truly the gift of time with your loved ones (of course an expensive watch would be great too!)

This Christmas has been wonderful ♥︎ 
Hope everyone reading this had a lovely Christmas too!


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  2. A baby is born with a need to be loved – and never outgrows it.
    Surely your Kayla is one of the most loved.


  3. A baby at home is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. Cherish your time with your baby <3


  4. Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child. It was such a great contentment to be able to see both your husband and your baby laughing with their presents together Lol...


  5. To be in your child’s memories tomorrow, be in her life today.
    How true....


  6. Loving a baby is a circular business, a kind of feedback loop. The more you give the more you get and the more you get the more you feel like giving.
    Love is giving...Pray for all of you entering into another wonderful loving year ahead!


  7. Having a baby changes the way you view your in-laws. I love it when they come to visit. They hold the baby and I go out. Hahaha...I think you will share the lovely thought of them too ...knowing that your precious ne is in the right hands!!


  8. Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.
    Yes... treasure all the time you can possibly have with your baby NOW!


  9. A perfect example of minority rule is a baby in the house. Hahaha...
    your Kayla is the cutest, she is so adorable!



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