My Experience with Face Fillers - Astique Clinic

7 years ago
My Experience with Face Fillers
Hello! Am here to share about my experience with fillers so far :)
Hope this is helpful for anyone considering aesthetic procedures hehe

This is me right after my most recent treatment! 
(the photo filter makes my skin look better hehe cos my face makeup was pretty much gone lol)

Anyway.. I've been with Astique Clinic for about 2years now.. read about my very first experience back then over here. Looking back I think I've definitely transformed quite a bit since then hehe, all thanks to Dr Celine Leong! And I didn't even have to go under the knife so I'm really really thankful.

What did I do this time?
1. Cheek Filler
2. Chin Filler
3. Lip Filler

The highlight for this experience is definitely my lip filler because I've never tried this before. My lips have bothered me for a really really long time but all along I thought it was because of my teeth lol. I'm currently on clear braces to rectify it.. but that's another post for another day. So anyway, I decided to try lip filler this time to see if it will make me feel better about my mouth haha, and I'm happy to share it did!!

Can you guys see the difference?!
Sooooo much better after the lip filler right?

Me on the 4th day.. Swelling down a little but still not as 'natural' as I'd like it to be yet

Me yesterday.. 6th day! Swelling pretty much gone hehe

So glad Dr Celine advised to add a little more on the first day because after the swelling is gone the 'fullness' will drop by about 30% to look more natural!

(Received some DMs on IG asking me questions about the fillers so I'm gonna share them here too!)

1. Is lip fillers very pain?
I heard that the lips is supposed to be the most painful part to inject.. honestly it's a bit painful but I feel that it's bearable! I think it's also because the nurse asked me to numb my lips longer so it'll be less painful! If you're going for this you can request to numb the lips longer too

2. Is there any downtime?
For the cheeks, chin and nose there isn't any downtime! For the lips, the swelling takes about a week to go off.. but I went out immediately after and it was ok 

3. How long does it last?
Fillers generally last 6months - close to a year depending on the type of filler you are using.. best to check with your doctor

4. Why cheek filler?
I think lips and cheek fillers are not as commonly done as nose or chin.. but out of everything I think I like cheek filler best haha. I feel like cheek fillers help me to look younger and I do feel the difference when it's gone! But I also think this applies to older women hahaha.. if you're under 26 then you probably don't need it

5. Is it very expensive?
All prices for Astique Clinic is on their Facebook or Instagram page! Linked the pages here for you guys :) I think their promos are really worth it! It's better to pay for safety and quality I feel.. and Astique is reputable clinic. 

For nose I'd actually recommend Thread Lift procedure because it's painless and lasts longer! You can read my experience with that over here :)

If you have any other questions feel free to ask me on any of my social media platforms!

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