DIY: Macrame Top

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hello! Today I'm going to show you how to transform an old top from this..

to this :) A Macrame top
[ Macrame knots were made popular in the 1960s by the hippies! ]

Here's how:

1. Measure the length of the top to somewhere you're comfortable with and tack it down to keep it in place

2. Cut away the hem of the shirt, and then proceed to cut strips up till where your tacks are at

3. The strips should end up looking like fringe

4. Untack the top. And start tying double knots! 
You should end up with a row of double knots

5. After you're done with the top row, criss cross the strips and tie another row of double knots.

Here's a quick illustration on how to tie the knots :D

6. And you're done! I chose to remove the sleeves for my top, but it's really up to you how you'd like to tweak yours

Hope you guys liked this tutorial ♥

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