Milestone Birthdays with Tiffany

7 years ago
A few days ago, I turned 30 and my Tiffany turned 1 the day after

I still think it's such an amazing coincidence our birthdays are one day apart and we get to hit a big milestone together this year! 

My life has gone through so many major changes the past few years and I still haven't had time to sit down and digest all that's been going on. We went very quickly from a young couple with no liabilities to a married couple with 2 kids, a house, a car, and a few businesses to finance. Sometimes I look back and am in awe that we actually managed to survive the last few years and emerged stronger, amazing how God provided exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine. 

I used to think being 25 is considered old and 30 seemed super super old; I even had hopes that I'd die by 30 before LOL - so I didn't have to go through the pains of aging and adulting. Now that I'm 30, the 20s seems sooo young. It's a time in your life where you are old enough to make your own decisions while making a lot a lot of mistakes without much consequences. You can try 10 different jobs before finding the right one and.. it's okay. You can start 10 businesses and fail.. and it's still okay. Those of you who are still in your 20s, stop giving yourself so much stress and just enjoy your journey :)

I guess the biggest thing I faced about hitting 30 is realising that the things I want now are not the things I'd thought I'd want. 

My wish for this new phase in my life is to be able to spend more time with my children. To travel the world and see all the wonderful sights God has created. And to only commit to businesses that does not require me to be involved in day-to-day operations. 

Happy Birthday my dear Tiffany
Thank you for being such an independent child. You learnt things like sleeping through the night and walking at an young age without any help from me. You are such an easy baby who's always happy to see us despite us being so busy throughout your first year. 
Thank you for silently loving us in your own way, we love you so much too. 

Balloons: Celebloons | Cupcakes: Sweetest Moments


  1. Such a Heart Warming note to your little wonderful Tiffany...

    Congratulation to you both.


  2. Congrats to you both: beautiful Mom and lovely daughter Tiffany!!



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