Random Update On Work and Life

It's been about 3 weeks since we've started operations and I feel like working in the kitchen everyday is turning me into a really angry person lol. I get really annoyed easily nowadays especially when people question the way I run my store, sighs. Sometimes I feel like I have a few bosses around telling me what I should do, but these bosses are not sponsoring the budget for their ideas. I mean I do appreciate kind comments or concerns, but some people are just really not tactful or what I don't know. Imagine close to a month of different people telling you what you should do, omg. I also want to enjoy the freedom of being able to happily learn to manage my own store the way I'd like it to be managed right? Sure I love discussing ideas with certain friends or family and ask them for opinions, but these people I'm referring to are people whom I did not request any advice or opinions from. Zzzzzz

Anyway, enough of my complaining, there has also been a lot of good happening in my life lately too :) Since I don't have to be at the store all day now, I'm able to take time off to do some things I enjoy doing hehe, like playing more with Kayla, taking OOTDs and going out with friends! 

At the opening of Cirque Du Soleil Totem with Adrianne last week! :D

Really blurry photos :/ But the performance was so stunning! Must watch!! :D

And we're on 8days this week!!! Hehe so thankful for the lovely feature :)

Most importantly, my Kayla ♥︎ She is soooo active and naughty now! I tried to feed her her dinner before going to the shop just now and she kept playing with her food lol. Like she'll eat a few mouths and run away in her walker or reverse away from the spoon and then burst out laughing hahaha. Really miss her so so much!

Anyway it's almost 4am now and I have to get up early again later; this is probably one of my most random posts. Goodnight ♥︎♥︎


  1. Be Encouraged, smile and laugh against all odd, life is a journey!


  2. It is always the sweetest thing in life to hear your baby's laughter!

    May your Kayla spend her time be delighted in everything she does everyday.


  3. Pray that you will have more time for yourself and your baby...
    Never Miss these important times that you are able to enjoy the growth of your baby!


  4. that was a cute post. please update more!! :)

  5. Congrats on your new store! I'm sure your baby girl will be vr proud of your personal achievement and success in the future when she's grown up :))


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