Hospital Bag For Delivery Checklist

10 years ago

Hi! If you're reading this you're probably very close to your due date, congratulations and may you have a smooth delivery ♥︎ I'm at the end of week35 right now and having my bag packed does help to set my mind at ease. I've been constantly worried I'll suddenly go into labour and have to rush to the hospital unprepared heh. So anyway here's a rough guide of the things I've packed based on hospital's recommendations and a couple of checklists I found on other blogs :) 

The items highlighted in red are things the hospital recommended and everything else is what I feel I might need. Your hospital of choice will provide you with a short list of things to bring nearing your delivery date. 
( Based on the checklist given to me by Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital )

For Mummy:
- PJs/nightdress with front opening to facilitate breast-feeding
* I didn't want to spend extra buying a nightdress so I brought a simple dress with buttons down halfway and an oversized button top instead
- Maternity Loop Pad
- Personal Toiletries
- Disposable breastpads
- Disposable Panties 
* Thought it'd be more comfortable to wear normal underwear so I brought some old ones that I didn't mind throwing away after instead
- Socks 
- A set of clothing to be worn during discharge
- 2 Nursing bras
- 1 Cardigan
- Nipple cream
- Breastpump

For Baby:
- 2 pairs of mittens
- 2 pairs of booties
- A set of baby clothing to be worn during discharge
- 1 Baby blanket
- Extra kimono top for baby
- 1 small pack of diapers (sample pack)
- 1 Baby hat

- IC/Passport of husband and wife
- Doctor's Admission Letter
- Medical report (if any)
- Receipts for prenatal visits
- Marriage Cert

For Daddy:
- 2 sets of clothing
- ipad

That's about it! Experienced mummies, do let me know if there's anything I've left out :) 
Hope this was helpful ♥︎


  1. Great to know that you are all set to excited to seeing Kayla very soon!

    This early morning (in US Florida), Eyd woke up in the SPIRIT of YaHuWaH praying for you and Kayla and declared All Is Well in our MessiYah.....

    1Jn 1:5 And this is the message which we have heard from Him and announce to you, that Elohim is light and in Him is no darkness at all.
    Psa 119:130 The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.
    Jas 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of turning.1 Footnote : 1See Mal. 3:6.
    Isa 26:3 Thou wilt keep him/her in perfect Shalom, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he/she trusts in thee.

    3Jn 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.

    Eyd & YahnEl

  2. Great, you are all ready. Be of good cheer!


  3. It is a good list. Thanks.


  4. Sweetie, all the best to you.
    It is a good list.


  5. Great tips ya! I am glad that you have taken care of Daddy's need too!!


  6. Here is a special ABC list for all the pregnant mama:

    A - addition to the family, adorable, alterations, amniocentesis, announcements, anticipation, APGAR, awaiting the arrival, awesome
    B - baby, baby carriage, big changes, birth, birth announcement, blessing, bonding, booties, boy or girl?, breathing
    C - calendar, cards, celebrating, changes, charts, christening, coming soon, congratulations, contractions, cousins, cravings, c-section
    D - daddy, delivery, diapers, dilation, doctor appointments, dreams, due date
    E - eager, eating, elation, emotional, enormous, exercise, exhaustion, expanding, expectations
    F - false labor, family, father, fatigue, feelings, first photo (ultrasound), food cravings, footprints
    G - gaining weight, gestation, gifts, girl or boy?, grandparents
    H - happy, hearing the heartbeat, heartburn, high chair, holidays, hopes, hormones, hospital
    I - ideas (for nursery, etc.), important info, incredible, indigestion, infant
    J - jitters, joy, junior, just the two of us
    K - keepsakes, kicking, kidding around, kin, kissing
    L - labor, labor coach, lamaze classes, lotion, love, lullaby
    M - maternity clothes, midwife, miracle, mommy, mods, morning sickness
    N - names, nausea, natural childbirth, nicknames, nursery
    O - obstetrician, offspring, ouch!, our family, outings, overdue, overjoyed
    P - pacing, pink or blue?, plans, plump, pregnancy test, proud parents, Push!
    Q - queasy, questions, quickening, quiet time, quotes
    R - radiant, rattle, recreation, reflections, religious events, rest
    S - shopping, showers, sonogram, splish splash, stork, stretch marks, stroller
    T - thoughts, toys, trimesters, twins?
    U - ultrasound, umbilical cord, unbelievable, unforgettable
    V - vacations, vitamins, visitors
    W - waiting, walking, we (Mom and Dad then Mom, Dad and baby), weight gain, welcome home
    X - eXciting, eXtra special moments, relaXation, XL
    Y - yarn (for knitting), yawning, you (thoughts about the baby), yowling
    Z - amaZing, zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zwieback, zzzzz

    To be a mother, one have to go through so much!
    To all the mothers with love,


  7. Coming Soon...

    There she is, sleeping,
    right there inside you;
    she is gently moving,
    to her every movement is new.

    She feels safe and warm,
    She knows she is soft and fragile;
    She can't wait to be in your arms,
    and see your beautiful smile.

    For she knows you are beautiful,
    She can feel it through your love;
    which happens to be plentiful,
    something you'll always have enough of.

    Soon she shall be with you,
    bringing you tears of joy;
    then you will know just what to do,
    to take care of this baby girl.

    To you with love: soon to be mama,
    Yves Gagne

  8. Thanks for sharing. Very useful list for me too...


  9. Whao, the poem is beautiful...and the ABC list is interesting too!

    I know your Kayla will feel so secure as she has such a well thought parents to welcoming her into their lives! She shall be benefited with all eternal covenant bliss from Elohim our creator under your care!

    You can also try to recite Psalms91 and YHWH promises to your baby daily as her praise and prayer that will establish an everlasting serenity into her soul that last her life time; and which is also her priceless spiritual inheritance from you, her parents!

    [Gen 9:9] “And I (YaHuWaH), see, I establish My covenant with you and with your seed after you."

    Sonia Lara-Lopez

    YâHuWaH יהוה baruch/bl-ss you and keep you:
    YâHuWaH יהוה make His face shine upon you and has His unlimited favor unto you,
    YâHuWaH יהוה lift up His countenance upon you, and give you shalom"
    Bamidbar/Number 6:24-26

  10. Great tips and I enjoy your all the other posts too!

    I would like to add something about Daddy to be.
    Never forget that the guys DO put up with A LOT from their mommy’s to be. And for all we mammy's to be need our comfort and fears soothed, they need praise (assuming they are worth it) for being there, dealing with our DAILY “I’m a blimp”s and our “I’m not beautiful stop saying it”s and our constant break downs. While they SHOULD be there for us and our issues, we need to remember that they may not be carrying the baby but they are carrying the burden of US carrying the baby, and us being in constant need of reassurance love and adoration and our complete lack of confidence (in most cases) in ourselves and our appearance. They have just as much stress, maybe not physical but mental, as we do because they have their fears their worries their person issues ON TOP of dealing with us and ours. Any man worth his salt will ignore himself for his “baby Momma to be” and any woman worth hers will acknowledge that fact and let him know how much he is doing, how great a father he will be, how wonderful he has been.

    Britty R. – Mother of Two

    Highly recommend this article for baby Papa to be:

  11. I found this, see whether it helps much for your checklist has already looked very comprehensive!
    *Hospital Bag Checklist* Organized and Easy to Understand. Very comprehensive!


  12. Before you enroll into the labor room, please drink some energy drinks or tonic that will give you strength and also to prevent dehydration!

    Not sure about Singapore, what if you have to stay overnight in the Hospital for more days, it is better to keep some instant food like biscuit, cookie or cracker for your midnight need.
    It is better to prepare more than you need than you have to send your husband back home to pack more things for unforeseen circumstances!

    Try to exercise deep breathing consciously before the labor day.

    Even when you are at home, try to walk around or going up and down of the staircase in order to strengthening your muscle and make way for your easy delivery!

    All the best for your labor day


  13. Hi, good to know that you are getting ready for your labor day...just a reminder taken from my experience:

    About labor and giving birth section:

    21. If you want to speed up labor once your contractions have begun, use a breast pump. Oh. My. Goodness.

    22. Have a birth plan but know that it’s just a plan, not a prophecy. It will look different.

    23. Having your waters break is not a one-off gush… it continues for hours into labor. Don’t be alarmed when you have to walk around with a towel between your legs for the rest of the day. (Birth is so glamorous.)

    24. Watching So You Think You Can Dance between contractions provides good distraction, but don’t get mad when they forget to pause it during contractions.

    25. Giving birth is messy. Really messy. What? You know that? Ok then, remember it.

    26. Remember that sometimes your midwife needs encouragement too, especially when things go wrong.

    27. Make sure your husband knows how to quickly and efficiently find the ice machine.

    28. Labor is hard work, but you were totally made for it. Go for it, girl.

    About postpartum recovery:
    29. If you wake up drenched in sweat a week or two after giving birth, get excited about it. You’re sweating off those extra baby fluid pounds.

    30. Deal with your disappointment about things that went wrong with the birth and don’t let it steal the joy of birth from you.

    31. You are going to feel so overwhelmed with love – don’t try to harness it, just soak in it.

    32. Who cares about getting your tiny baby on a schedule from day one? Just snuggle, snuggle, snuggle and let him sleep on your chest as much as your little heart desires. I promise you, you will not regret this. Don’t let any book or auntie tell you otherwise.

    All the best to you, Cheers!

    Adriel Booker


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