Week 20 Pregnancy X OOTD

Friday, September 26, 2014

Week 20.. Halfway there!
Am trying to push myself to start dressing up and going out more since I'm feeling better now :) But it's seriously such a challenge trying to find nice clothes that fits! I went to a number of maternity shops recently and most of the clothes I saw were like overpriced plain cotton dresses?! Pregnancy so tough already still want to rip us off -.- In the meantime I'd just have to make do with the looser fitting pieces I own and make a huge mental effort to stop going out in pyjamas 

Gained about 2-3kg so far and my belly is sooo much bigger now! Read the experiences of many other pregnant mummies and the average weight gained is about 10-15kg by the end of the third trimester, kinda nervous about that! I'm already finding it a little uncomfortable buckling my shoes, think by then I won't even be able to see my feet anymore. 

Baby's also starting to move around more now, I really like it when I can feel her kicking! We were so hooked to feeling her movements that once when she refused to react we went to google 'how to wake baby in belly during pregnancy'. One suggestion was to place a remote control on your belly so your baby feels the pressure and will try kicking it away, then just lean back and watch the remote jump hahaha! I think we'll end up becoming irritating parents hehe


  1. You are so beautiful and this outfit is perfection <3

  2. Yes, this outfit is so pretty "pure" ...You are gorgeous in white colors!


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