DIY: Distressed Denim Shorts

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I amassed a number of denim shorts I've bought over the years that I either end up not wearing or got sick of. And I thought this DIY would be very useful for girls who want to give their unwanted denim shorts a new look :) It's very easy to do, just a little time consuming, so be prepared to set aside about 30mins of your time for this!

So basically you need a pair of denim shorts (obviously hehe), a pair of pliers or tweezers 
and a small pair of scissors (optional!)

1. Snip away the thread on the edge of your shorts

Some hemlines are not stitched down this way, so if that's the case for yours you can just skip this step! You can also use your pliers/tweezers to pull the thread out if you wish, I just thought it'll be a lot faster and easier to snip them off. (The thread I'm referring to is the blue one along the edge you see in the picture above)

2. Pull out the horizontal threads

After snipping away the blue threads, you'll see some horizontal threads sticking out like the white ones in the picture above. Just use your pliers/tweezer to pull them out all the way. Be careful not to remove the blue ones in between, those will be the "frayed" ends later!

3. Keep doing step 2

Simply continue to pull out the horizontal threads like the white ones until the frayed ends reaches a length you're comfortable with! 

Halfway there.. ♥

And ta-dahhh! you're done :)

Feel free to ask me any questions if you encounter any problems ♥
Have fun distressing your old denim shorts!

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