Heliocare Purewhite Radiance Max 240

Heliocare Purewhite Radiance Max 240
Introducing the new Heliocare whitening oral sunblock! Prior to trying this, I've already been taking the regular Heliocare oral sunblock as well :) I really like Heliocare because I'm someone who honestly does not like applying sunblock on my skin. This is a lot more convenient and leaves no sticky feeling on my skin hehe. All you have to do is take one capsule in the morning and one capsule at night!

This such a great product because it not only helps protect your skin from the sun but there's also whitening properties that gives you more radiant skin! After consuming this daily for a few weeks, I do have friends comment that I look fairer or brighter :) 

If you're interested to find out more, do visit http://heliocare.com.sg/product/heliocare-purewhite-radiance-max-240/ 

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