Entering 2017

Happy New Year! 

So sorry for the lack of updates, been super busy with work and prioritising spending time with the kids when I'm free heh. And then suddenly the first week of 2017 is gone!

Feeling pretty good about the start of my year so far because I'm Editor's Pick on Dayre this week!
If you haven't read my Dayre before the link is www.dayre.me/audt01 (:

So anyway, 2016 wasn't exactly a good year for me mainly due to my pregnancy. I was pretty much stuck in bed for the first half of my pregnancy because I suffered from horrible morning sickness and ended up having to continuously spit (sorry if this is TMI!) till I gave birth. Pregnancies are always terrible for me, but the year following the birth of my kids would always be amazing♥︎

Watching how both my girls interact with each other in their own special way the past 3 months, and seeing the way Kayla shows affection towards her meimei really warms my heart. They truly motivate me to want to be a better mother, and achieve greater goals in 2017 so they will have a comfortable life in the future!

I guess what made me happiest in 2016 is me having the opportunity to travel to 3 different countries with Kayla, and of course the birth of my second child Tiffany ♥︎ Travelling with a child is really so much more fun haha, even though its really tiring as well heh. Cannot wait for Tiffany to be older then we can all travel together! Looking forward to making a lot more good memories with the both of them :)

Entering 2017, my goal is to explore new business opportunities while growing my existing one(: I also hope to be able to travel (although that seems pretty bleak now), and spend more quality time with my girls! I missed out on a few of Kayla's 8mth - 1yr old milestones because I was so busy working then, so I'm hoping I'd be able to go through every single one with Tiffany this time! 

May we all have an amazing 2017! 


  1. The way you write your stories is very captivating... you have an excellent pen!


  2. The 2 sisters so cute <3


  3. Stunning .... beautiful mama 2017 ...this is only a start!


  4. Spending quality time with your girls is the most important choice as they are literally growing up too fast....Yes not to be absent in their growing up months.


  5. A Nice round up of 2016. May you have an amazing 2017 too!!


  6. A Nice round up of 2016. May you have an amazing 2017 too!!



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