Kayla's Starting Preschool!

My little girl's so grown up looking here ~ 

Kayla started preschool 2 days ago and I was honestly a bundle of nerves because I was so worried about a million and one things lol; like if she'll adjust well, if she'll play with food, if she'll cling onto us and cry non-stop etc. Technically we're still on a two-week trial so we can just take her out anytime if it's unsuitable, but I guess all mamas would worry about their babies going into a new environment without them ya hehh

Brought her out to Vivocity the day before her first day to buy school shoes and a new water bottle! Turns out there were 2 other kids in the class with the same bottle lolol. 

Anyway, I was told to get her white shoes and white socks, and it took me a long time to find this pair. Apparently very little shoe brands carry plain white shoe designs for toddlers this young. Was so happy when I found these at Converse haha ~ and even happier when the principal said "finally a student with a proper pair of school shoes" LOL.. Most of the students (or rather their parents) just ignored the rule and bought coloured shoes instead hahaha, I think cos it's really so tough to find a nice pair! 

So back to Kayla's experience in school ~ Only one parent is allowed to accompany the child throughout the day for the first 3 days.. So first day was me and second was D because I had to bring Tiffany to the hospital for her jab. Kayla adjusted pretty well on her first day and was even okay with me leaving her alone in class for 15-30mins! She ended up getting too comfortable with everyone she even ran around snatching toys and attacking other kids (not proud of it). But second day, what I gathered from D was that she was super clingy to him and she got "punched" and attacked by other kids when she tried snatching toys again this time. So worrying lo!

Sighhhs, but since we already paid for the first 2 weeks I'm going to let her go for another week and see how things go. If she's getting into fights or not adjusting well then we'll most likely change her to another school that's parent accompanied until N1


  1. Ha ha ha... attend school for such a young age?


  2. Even for a short time in this pre-school days experiences, your darling should get a good brief understanding of how she should "handling other kids" behaviors also!

    Hopefully the rest of the weeks will turn out favorable to Kayla best interest!

    All the best to her first schooling impression.


  3. Curious to know how is little Kayla doing with her pre-school experience..will she continue with this institutional educational adventure of her life in this early age??


  4. Beautiful little white school shoes...


  5. It is nice to explore her environment with more little friends...
    normally over 2 and half years old to 3 years old would be a better age for them to be left alone in the day care environment....Anyway, all the best, she shall learn how to relate and handle her world with more other same age precious and enjoying privileges "babies" around her!



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