First Week With Baby Tiffany

Its been a little more than a week with my little one and boy is she an easy baby to care for haha ♥︎ Everyone at home is also pleasantly surprised by how relaxing it is this time in comparison to when we first brought Kayla home even though there are 2 babies in the house now lol. 

I'm actually caring for Tiffany on my own 90% of the time (feed/change diapers/bathe) while D and my helper care for Kayla more, and I'm still feeling pretty well rested hahaha. I think its also because I'm more mentally prepared to wake for 2hr feeds and stuff this time round? So I just try to sleep whenever I can heh. Anyway, Tiffany basically just sleeps after feeds and barely cries; so I don't really have to rock or carry her around to sleep as well haha.

To be honest we were seriously toying with the idea of hiring a live-in confinement nanny this time because we were worried we couldn't cope. The last time with Kayla it was so crazy we were like zombies for the first month cos we barely slept. I remember my free time in between feeds and diaper changes were spent either pumping milk, squeezing in a quick meal, using the toilet or taking turns to carry/rock Kayla around cos she had colic and was crying like mad on/off for hours. But now I'm so happy I decided to order confinement meals instead, I think the nanny will be very free and then we'll have to make awkward small talk since Tiffany is just sleeping most of the time haha. 

Managed to snap a picture of her smiling

Cutest thing that happened yesterday..

Tiffany cried out loud in the middle of the night because I was changing her diapers and the wipes were cold; and then D came over from the next room and told me that Kayla woke from her sleep and laughed and fell back asleep again! Then later on Kayla cried out loud for awhile in her sleep, and Tiffany started smiling when she heard it hahaha.. These two.. ♥︎♥︎

And here's a picture of me and my Kayla bee this week! Brought her along for my postpartum checkup since she's been cooped up at home with us the entire week


  1. So cute... this smiling little baby


  2. Congratulation for having these 2 lovely sisters!


  3. You already had the cutest child and now you have given birth to yet another cute toddler. How will you be able to handle this overdose of cuteness?


  4. “You don’t know what unconditional love is. You may say you do, but if you don’t have a child, you don’t know what that is. But when you experience it, it is the most fulfilling ever.” — Regina King



  5. Your family is growing, and with it love continues to blossom. May your fortunes increase tenfold as we welcome your second child.


  6. Your first child has brought joy to all who have the pleasure of knowing your family. The world can’t wait to experience the wonder that will come with your precious new gift.


  7. A mother’s love is like no other. The smile on your first child’s face shows that your love is abundant. May you continue to delight in your children as your family grows.


  8. It is so much easier the second time around. Welcome to double parenthood!



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