Mulberry Learning Centre: An Honest Review

Big hello from Kayla and I! We’re very fortunate to be invited to join in one of the classes at Mulberry Learning Centre’s newest branch at Cairnhill and share our experience with all of you (:

Mulberry Learning Centre is an award-winning preschool brand in Singapore, but that’s not all, learnt from Principal Ford that Mulberry Learning Centre is also the first preschool network in the world to be certified by The Institute for Habits of Mind! Thought that’s super impressive haha. 

To be honest, I was pretty clueless as to what “Habits Of Mind” is all about, but after reading it up here (, I find that it is a really great program! Children who grow up exposed to this program tend to be able to focus better (which is a huge issue among the younger generation now I feel, most kids are very easily distracted) and grow up to be more independent and confident. 

These are traits that I hope Kayla and my upcoming baby will have when they grow up, and preschool is the best time for them to cultivate these habits!

I personally really love the Emilia-inspired style of the classrooms! The entire learning space feels like a dream nursery for toddlers. I was even asking the principal where he got all the furniture and toys from so maybe I can do something similar for Kayla and baby2 (:

Different spaces for creativity and play! 

Our Experience
To be honest, Kayla was really cranky when we first arrived at the school because she wasn’t used to waking so early heh; she usually wakes at about 9plus but the class was at 9am.

And this Kayla was so shy when the teacher introduced her to the rest of the class she covered her face! LOL

But she started warming up after awhile when everyone had to work as a team to maneuver the balls during morning exercise haha; she really loves to play with balls! Was really thankful the teachers allowed me to join in the activity too, ended up having a fun time with the kids (:

After morning exercise, we headed back to the classroom and everyone had to have his or her temperature taken. And check this out, so high tech omg! The kids just have to stand on this machine and it will automatically clock in their temperature and record it into their profiles! I was really impressed!!

Next it was mandarin and english lessons for the children! Everybody was so well behaved (except for my Kayla haha), and I was so surprised to see all these toddlers sitting down and engaging in class without running off despite having so many toys surrounding them! 

The children learning about leaves and taking turns to stick their leaves on the tree (: Spot Kayla on the left hehe

And then Kayla was completely hooked unto playing with this train set during English class lol. The teacher was telling me that its okay for her to want to explore the surroundings on the first day and that most kids are like that. After a few classes they will learn to settle down and participate more in class!

Overall, I really like that the teachers encourage creativity and give the children freedom to explore and learn in a holistic environment. Everyone was just very nice and patient, even when Kayla was crying and cranky at the beginning the teachers did not push her to do anything she was uncomfortable with just to “fit in” with the rest of the class. Instead they gave her space to decide when she was ready to participate in the activities (:

As a parent, choosing a suitable preschool for your child is probably one of the most daunting decisions one has to make (at least for me). I mean I’d need to have absolute trust in the teachers because I’d have to leave my child there alone for hours, and toddlers are still so young! For me, Mulberry Learning Centre not only feels like a safe environment, but based on the classes it also seems like a place where my child will actually enjoy learning (which I think is most important! – last thing I want is for Kayla to end up hating going to school). So it’s definitely a place I’d want to recommend to friends who are looking around for preschools for their kids! 

For more information please visit:



  1. Nowadays early childhood education is just so sophisticated...Hehehe!


  2. Take it easy..., your child needs more "emotional adjustment" in joining a group of strangers for her learning time than we as an adult can do...However, gradually she shall like it! All the best to you for coaching her to get into the programs in life!


  3. I really admire those teachers who can manage so many little children in their classroom at the same time! What a talent they must have just to do that!!!


  4. Thanks for the information, it helps!


  5. Taking from the main site of mulberry-learning-centre, I am very impressed by their educational approach:

    "Starting from Pre-Nursery, we offer a bilingual learning environment with English as the main language and Chinese as the second language. Our teaching pedagogy from Pre-Nursery to Kindergarten is based on the A-S-K framework:

    A (Attitude) – Inculcating positive Habits of Mind to nurture self-improvement, self-awareness, self-control and relationship building skills in children. These habits will help children in problem solving and build up a positive learning attitude.

    S (Skills) – Developing 6 main learning skills and dispositions, namely problem solving skills, communication skills, questioning skills, thinking skills, social skills and positive attributes through the Reggio Emilia inspired project inquiry approach.

    K (Knowledge) – Progressively building the foundations of knowledge in Numeracy, English and Chinese literacy. We understand that every child has his/her own dominant strengths and styles of learning, so we adopt the Multiple Intelligences approach to adapt our teaching approaches according to each child’s learning styles.

    In particular, our Pre-Nursery programs emphasize child-initiated learning, empowering our young to explore and experience the world around them. Teachers plan and integrate language experiences, numeracy, music and movement, aesthetics and creativity, motor skills and social interactions through activities like circle time, puppet play, sensory art, and imaginary play. Physical development of gross motor skills and fine motor skills is also important and achieved through play-based activities that concurrently allow your child to form close bonds with their friends. We have also incorporated a physical development program using the Sport ball multi-sport approach, to expose your child to different games and promote a healthy lifestyle from young."

    Very impressive!


  6. Good info. I would definitely recommend this learning centre to my friends who are looking for a safe and creative learning place for their children.



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